Category Archives: Community

McLeod Glaziers at the top of Africa

Summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

You may remember last month we mentioned that Andrew from our marketing team at Fraktul was heading off to Africa to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Well, we are delighted to announce that Andrew and his younger brother Callum both successfully reached the summit at 5,895 metres after a 4-day trek battling the effects of high altitude.   […]

Developing Young Workforce

Mcleod Glaziers Rosemary House, Inveralmond Road Perth, PH1 3TW

We were visited recently by Jamie Hepburn, Scottish Minister for employability and training. McLeod Glaziers and Meldrum Construction are taking part in the Developing Young Workforce initiative helping local young people boost their skills, get into work and support local business growth.   Blaine Wood, a former Perth High School pupil, recently completed work experience with […]