We directly employ joiners, apprentice joiners, workshop joiners, builders, tiler, roughcaster/plasterer, apprentice builders, multi-skilled plant operators and general operatives and between them, they have decades of experience and knowledge.
Established in 1836, McLeod Glaziers are one of Scotland’s oldest and most successful glazing contractors. We are family owned and run from our Head Office in the Inveralmond Industrial Estate.
McLeods employ a well resourced team of local, highly trained and experienced individuals.
We directly employ joiners, apprentice joiners, workshop joiners, builders, tiler, roughcaster/plasterer, apprentice builders, multi-skilled plant operators and general operatives and between them, they have decades of experience and knowledge.
Our team receive continued training and development and work exceptionally hard to ensure high levels of project quality and customer service.
All of our current vacancies will be advertised below and via our social media channels.