McLeod Glaziers

McLeod Glaziers at the top of Africa

You may remember last month we mentioned that Andrew from our marketing team at Fraktul was heading off to Africa to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Well, we are delighted to announce that Andrew and his younger brother Callum both successfully reached the summit at 5,895 metres after a 4-day trek battling the effects of high altitude.  

In doing so they have raised over £2,500 for the Scottish Association for Mental Health, and McLeods were more than happy to get behind and support this fantastic cause.

SAMH Cheque handover

Andrew set out to complete this challenge in memory of his childhood best friend Sean Wallace who sadly took his own life in 2012.

Derek Petterson said “What Andrew and his brother have done is just so wonderfully impressive and fantastic to see that it was all in memory of a friend who is no longer with us. I’m sure he would be very proud of this achievement.”

“Having served in the Armed Forces myself, unfortunately I also know first-hand the effects that stress, PTSD and poor mental health can have on someone so any funds and awareness which can be brought to tackle this simply has to be applauded.”

We were delighted to sponsor this challenge and help raise money for a fantastic Scottish charity who not only raise awareness of mental health but also support anyone who may be needing help.”

Andrew concluded “I am very grateful for everyone’s support and kind donations. In particular I would like to thank Derek for his generous donation and messages of encouragement before I set off, it is all very much appreciated.” 

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