As one of Scotland’s oldest glazing contractors, McLeod Glaziers is a name synonymous with Perth and has been serving the local community for over one hundred years. Established in 1836, the company is family owned and run from its Head Office in the Inveralmond Industrial Estate.
"ER Certification has established the PLC Scheme to assist window and door manufacturers and installers in demonstrating compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations. Founded in 2009, ER Certification initially provided Energy Rating Certification. To expand its services, the company gained Product Certification Accreditation to EN 45011 through assessment by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). In 2015, ER Certification achieved accreditation to ISO 17065, the international standard for conformity assessment requirements for certifying products, processes, and services."
PLC scheme

"SBD was created in 1989 following the housing boom of the 1960s-1980s when there was a huge and urgent demand for housing. Estates were built quickly and often cheaply without any basic security. Burglars found externally glazed windows and doors relatively easy to enter as all they had to do in many cases was lift out the double-glazing and climb through the frame. In the wider built environment, sky walkways and subways incorporated into many large estates were designed to keep apart pedestrians and the rapidly growing number of vehicles. However, this created a haven for criminal activities where escape routes were everywhere and anonymity was absolute. In response, the Police Service set up SBD to combat the significant rise in burglary.
Secured By Design
"The GGF is the most influential Trade Federation in the industry, with the GGF community of members making up over 60% of the sector’s £4 billion annual turnover. The GGF Group, including its subsidiaries of FENSA, BFRC, RISA and Installsure have over 8,000 companies that we are proud to call members. The GGF has represented the industry since 1977. We are recognised by government for our in-house technical expertise, our training offering is second to none and our advocacy department helps to host and influence key government stakeholders when it comes to legislation. The GGF gives your company a voice, a platform and a standing in the industry."

"The real Living Wage is an independently calculated rate based on the cost of living and is paid voluntarily by employers. The rate is currently £12.60 and is calculated annually by The Resolution Foundation on an analysis of the wage that employees need to earn in order to afford the basket of goods required for a decent standard of living. This basket of goods includes housing, childcare, transport and heating costs."
The real Living Wage