McLeod Glaziers

New Board Appointment

McLeod Glaziers is delighted to announce the appointment of Susie Cunningham as Company Director.

Susie who has been with the company for 14 years will sit alongside our CEO, Derek Petterson on the Board.

Like many other businesses, 2020 has been a challenging year for McLeods.

This appointment will help guide our business into 2021 and ensure we remain on track with our business goals.

Susie was recently appointed Finance Director of our parent company, PGC Group. Since taking up this position, Susie has used her promotion to grow in stature and has helped us with the challenges the Coronavirus continuous to throw at us.

As Director, Susie will continue her current main roles of group payroll, pensions, vat etc but with the addition of taking on added responsibility of strategic business planning and tackling the challenges our business will face.

Derek, commented, “I am delighted that Susie has accepted my invitation to join me on the board of McLeod Glaziers. Susie has worked her way up through the ranks at McLeods and has become an invaluable member of my family business. I am extremely confident that Susie will be very successful in her new position. Girl Power continues…”

Susie, said, “I am looking forward to the challenges ahead and working alongside Derek to help drive the business successfully through the challenges currently faced due to Covid. It’s a great personal achievement, having initially started in the company as administrative assistant to now being appointed onto the Board.”

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