McLeod Glaziers

Double Promotion to Support Business Growth

McLeod Glaziers is delighted to announce the double promotion of two of our long-term employees.

Susie Cunningham has been promoted to a newly created role, as Group Finance Director and Katie Mcintosh has been promoted to Company Secretary. 

Both promotions have been made due to the ongoing success of the business and to support future business growth.

Derek Petterson, CEO commented, During these uncertain economic times, McLeod Glaziers has continued to grow and remain successful. This is a testament to our great team and the fantastic products and services we provide to our customers. Susie and Katie will help play a vital role in sustaining business growth post-COVID-19.”

Susie and Katie, have both earned their respected promotions, due to their long-term loyalty to the company and for continued excellence in their respected roles.

Susie has worked for McLeod Glaziers for over 14 years, originally starting as an administrative assistant. Over the years, Susie has worked hard and progressed as a result within the company. From administration to company secretary and now to Group Finance Director. 

Susie said, “Delighted to be promoted to Group Finance Director and I look forward to starting my new role and the fresh challenges that it will bring. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working for McLeod Glaziers and it is great to see that my hard work and a continued commitment to the company is appreciated by senior management.”

Katie started working for McLeod Glaziers 6 years ago and has been a crucial member of our administration team ever since. Katie will be taking on the role of Company Secretary, the role that Susie has now vacated. 

Katie said, “Looking forward to my new role and the responsibilities that it will bring. It’s an exciting time to be part of the business and I look forward to playing my part in the continued future success of the company.”

Congratulations to both Susie and Katie on your promotions and your continued hard work for our family business, it is very much appreciated.

Derek concluded, “I am very proud of all of my team, who make up the PGC Group, and I would like to personally thank them all for their continued hard work throughout this pandemic and for supporting my family business.”

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